Hello there! My blog posts will be coming a bit further and farther between. I'm hoping to at least post once a week or so, but I have never stuck to a schedule when I've blogged so we shall see! Anyways, I started college Monday! Yassss. So I have been overloaded with a TON of homework in the first week already. Oh boy. So I have been sitting on this outfit til I could find the time to log in and blog it! Hope you like it :D I sure do!
Hair: Doe: Cricket - Blondes
Top: BunBun. Kawaii Sweatshirt {Pink Floral Cat}
Skirt: Turducken ToddleeDoo - Denim Skirt - White
Leggings: Little Closet - Lacey Leggings Pastel Pack
Shoes: ~Dream. Keds - Bubblegum
Polish: :*BABY*: TD Nails - Princess Pastels